Uncontrollable water leaks happen from time to time. Need an Emergency Plumber Liverpool? Here is a direct number for the out of hours Emergency Plumber in Liverpool. 07532830896.
Our reliable Engineers are on call 24 hours a day 7 days per week and will attend any uncontrollable water leaks within 2 hours of being reported, often a lot sooner. Other National and Local companies offer a 3 hour service however water moves really quickly but so do we!
Our Emergency Plumber Liverpool will give you some good advice over the phone before setting off so that any potential damage in minimised. Its actually common sense but in a panic logic goes out the window!
Our Engineer will have to complete a job they are on or at least make the job safe then will make their way to you, If the call is out of hours then they will make their way straight to you.
For out of hours Emergency Plumber Liverpool call out’s, it is at the engineer’s discretion if they can make the repair whilst on site, if the repair can be rectified quickly they will do it however at the very minimum the engineer will make the installation safe and leave you with running water.
Our Emergency Plumber Liverpool are entitled to rest so if they are out for 2 hours over night they automatically start their shift 2 hours later than planned. The office will then make arrangements for a follow up appointment if required.
We are transparent with our charges. Out of hours is after 9pm until 7am. Resolve Gas Services Limited charge £100 for the first hour then in increments of per half hour after that.
The most important thing is to minimise damage and restore running water so call 07532830896.
If you would like to discuss our out of hours services in more detail then please call us today on 0151 558 1999.